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3. Draft proposal on the reform of College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) for School Year of 2021: Stable transformation through absolute evaluation system


KOREA REPORT(2017, #2)
Draft proposal on the reform of College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) for School Year of 2021


3. Draft proposal on the reform of College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) for School Year of 2021: Stable transformation through absolute evaluation system


On August 10, Ministry of Education announced draft proposals for the CSAT reform for the school year of 2021.


Core contexts include the increasing of the number of subjects to be applicable for ‘absolute evaluation system’, as well as improving of the CSAT-EBS collaboration

- Subjects for the absolute evaluation system to be applied:

1st draft) Four out of seven subjects : English, Korean History, Integrative Social Studies/Integrative Sciences, 2nd Foreign Language and Chinese classics

2nd draft) All subjects : Korean, Mathematics and including all elective subjects

- On revising the CSAT-EBS collaboration :

1st draft) diminish or abolish the collaboration

2nd draft) maintain the collaboration ratiotwo suggestions regarding the method of collaboration

- Other policies include:

introducing new subjects ‘Integrative Social Studies’ and ‘Integrative Sciences’

reducing the number of subjects related to social studies and etc.


The final proposal will be announced at the end of August after collecting opinions at four regional public hearings.

- The first public hearing was conducted on the 11th, and three of four discussants showed support for the first draft.

- A various opinions were expressed, from ‘absolute opposition against absolute evaluation system' to 'introducing the 5-scale absolute evaluation system,' etc.


The proposal for CSAT reform reflects the reformed curriculum, and its priority is to minimize the possible side-effects rather than to induce rapid changes.


The new CSAT, which will be enforced from the school year 2021, reflects the 2015 reform on school curriculum that aims to foster syncretic and composite future talents, eliminating the differentiation between liberal arts and sciences.

- Introduction of 'Integrative Social Studies’ and ‘Integrative Sciences' as new subjects, and application of the absolute evaluation system, reflect the purposes of the reformed curriculum and do not deviate largely from the proposals made earlier.


Choosing gradual alterations over rapid changes

- There are some risks in increasing the number of subjects to be assessed by absolute evaluation system

If the first proposal was put into effect, it may increase the burden for the students and also induce excessive imbalances to certain subjects

if the second proposal was chosen, it may weaken the assessment function and cause overheated competition over school evaluations. However, both approaches can be understood as the realistic choice to minimize the concerns that can arise from the related reform.

- Following the current CSAT system, the students will choose one of the two types of exam in mathematics, and the social studies and science studies will also be maintained; therefore, the schools must establish separate programs for liberal arts and sciences, limiting the integration effects of the two curriculums



It is necessary to carry out supplementary measures such as the reform of university entrance system.


In order to alleviate competition and lessen the students' study load, it is necessary to present holistic and organic measures.

- Both pillars of CSAT reform, namely 'evaluation management' or 'CSAT reform,' must be carried out simultaneously in order to guarantee lasting effects of these reforms.

- CSAT reform can reach the desired goal only in synergy effects with additional measures, including reform of university entrance system, high school credit-based system, and introduction of absolute evaluation system for school assessment records, etc.