[Remarks]Bringing President Park’s people under Kim Young-ran Act’s spirit

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 92
  • 게시일 : 2016-09-29 10:40:00

Bringing President Park’s people under Kim Young-ran Act’s spirit 

Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, known as the Kim Young-ran Act, is taking effect from today. We, Democratic Party of Korea, welcome Kim Young-ran Act wholeheartedly, and firmly believe that this will allow us to break a passage through the corruption and graft, and make our way to clean politics and a transparent society.  

According to Transparency International (TI), Korea’s 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) score is 56 that makes us rank 37th place among 168 countries.  

The majority of people are complying with Kim Young-ran Act, being patient with some inconveniences, which reflects that we have been longing for a clean and fair society. We all sense of the need to buttress morality in our society and end the culture of corruption.  

On the contrary to the general public’s readiness to adjust to meet the challenges and reap the rewards from Kim Young-ran Act, it is quite questionable that whether President Park is ready to bring “her people” under Kim Young-ran Act. 

Both the liberal and conservative press has been reporting corruption scandals of people who are sitting in President’s Park’s pocket. 

The Chosun Il-bo, typical conservative newspaper, broke the news about numerous “abstruse” scandals related to Woo Byung-woo who is known as one of President Park’s extremely close people. The Hankyreh, classic liberal newspaper, has been giving prominent coverage about Mir Foundation and K-Sports Foundation that are also intertwined with President Park’s excessively close people like Choi Soon-sil. 

We are ready to embrace Kim Young-ran Act in our everyday life. In a normal society, it is only to be expected that everyone including The Park administration and people in her pocket, too, to be met by the same standard. 

As we all know, “they” are living in their own world. It is very unfortunate for President Park that she had lost public confidence as a result of her close people’s multitude of corruption scandals. 

Now Kim Young-ran Act has entered peoples’ life, and it’s time to bring President Park’s people under Kim Young-ran Act, too. 

Trust makes the foundation of politics, and integrity makes the foundation of trust. Without dispelling corruption and graft, there will be no political foundation for President Park.  

September 28, 2016

Democratic Party of Korea (DPK)


박근혜 대통령 측근들 김영란 법의 취지 아래로 불러오기 

부정청탁  금품  수수의 금지에 관한 법률김영란법이라고도 알려진  법이 오늘부터 시행된다우리 더불어민주당은 김영란법을 진심으로 환영하고이것이 우리가 부정 부패를 뚫고깨끗한 정치와 투명한 사회로 나아가게  주리라는 것을 강력하게 믿는다.

TI 따르면 한국의 부패지수는 56으로 168개국  37위이다 

대부분의 국민들은 조금의 불편함이 있기는 하지만김영란법을 받아들이고 있다이는 우리 모두가 공정하고 깨끗한 사회를 갈망해 왔음을 반증해 준다 사회의 도덕성을 지지하고부패 문화를 척결해야 한다는 것을 우리 모두는 감지하고 있다.


그러나  도전 (김영란법)  내고김영란 법으로부터 오는 보상 (부정부패 척결) 수확할 준비가 되어 있는 일반 국민과는 달리박근혜 대통령이 그녀의 사람들 김영란법 아래로 데리고  준비가 되었는지는 의문이다

보수진보 언론 모두가  대통령 측근 사람들의 부패 스캔들을 보도하고 있다.

보수 언론인 조선일보가 우병우와 관련된 수많은 스캔들을 보도 하였고진보 언론인 한겨레는 최순실과 같은 박근혜 대통령 측근과 복잡하게 얽혀 있는 미르 재단케이 스포츠 재단에 관한 대대적인 보도를 하였다 

우리는 일상 생활 속에서 김영란법을 보듬을 준비가 되어 있다정상적인 사회라면  정부와  대통령의 측근 모두가 같은 기준을 적용 받는 것이 당연하다그러나우리 모두가 알고 있듯 그들 그들만의 세상에 살고 있다 대통령 측근의 수많은 부패 스캔들로 인해 국민 신뢰를 잃은 것은 심히 안타까운 일이다 

이제 김영란법이 국민들의  속으로 들어 왔으니이젠  대통령의 사람들도   아래로 들어와야 한다.

신뢰는 정치의 기본이고신뢰의 기본은 청렴이다부정 부패의 척결 없이는박대통령에게 정치적 기본은 없을 것이다 

2016 9 28
