[Major Comments]Choo Mi-ae, the Head of Democratic Party of Korea, Major Comments on UN Secretary-Ge

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 94
  • 게시일 : 2016-09-30 10:40:36

Choo Mi-ae, the Head of Democratic Party of Korea, Major Comments on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and THAAD


A TV Open Forum Held by Korea Broadcasting Journalists Club

September 29th, 2016


Choo Mi-ae, the head of Democratic Party of Korea, said she thought Koreans were proud of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and he would not run for the presidency next year. This is in accordance with the terms of appointment of the Secretary-General of UN that set a limit on accepting any governmental position immediately on retirement.

Regarding THAAD missile deployment to Korea, Choo articulated that the U.S. should make diplomatic efforts a first priority. She expressed her concern about Park’s administration underestimating China’s strong opposition and called for a diplomatic solution on North Korea’s nuclear threats by providing examples such as the Cuban missile crisis. In that case, the U.S. and the Soviet Union solved the problem diplomatically at a critical moment of all-out war. She also mentioned the resolution case among Libya, Ukraine, and Pakistan.


Major Comments on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

“According to the Terms of appointment of the Secretary-General A/RES/11(I) that was adopted during the first general assembly in 1946, it is clearly stated that because the UN Secretary-General is a confidant of many governments, it is desirable that, at any rate immediately on retirement, he should not be offered any governmental position, and on his part UN Secretary-General should refrain from accepting any such position.”

“We feel honored by the fact that Secretary-General Ban, having come from our country - I mean producing the UN Secretary-General from our own home country - is honorable and feel like it has increased the dignity of our country. He should refrain from accepting any governmental position. Neither should President Park’s government propose him a presidential candidacy, nor should Secretary-General Ban accept it. I believe he will decline the proposal and won’t run for the presidency for the sake of the dignity of the country. If he accepts the proposal and runs for the presidency, surely enough, it can serve up a full dish for political satires. Ban’s presidential candidacy is ridiculous, a funny political cartoon.”


Major Comments on THAAD missile

“We should not underestimate the strong opposition from China. During the Cuban missile crisis, when the Soviet Union deployed their missile right under the nose of the U.S., the U.S. was in stupendous force escalating to an all-out war. THAAD missile deployment cheek by jowl of China means that the U.S. is deploying reconnaissance capabilities in South Korea, and it could put us in serious danger.”

“Along with these concerns, we cannot defend ourselves against nuclear threats from North Korea solely with the THAAD missile. Park’s administration should not spread a false sense of belief that the THAAD missile can protect us from nuclear threats. Is there any country that has resolved nuclear threats militarily on Earth? Because of the concern of collapse, it cannot and should not be resolved militarily. Libya, Ukraine, and Pakistan solved in a diplomatic way as well.”

“The combination of the hardline policy of Lee Myung-bak’s and Park Geun-hye’s administrations, the Obama administration’s strategic patience and strategic negligence, and Park’s diplomatic incompetence - all of these factors actually let North Korea’s nuclear threats grow. I believe the problem that requires the most urgent attention is that the U.S. make the utmost diplomatic efforts. Regarding the military alternative, it will be a combat arrangement of reinforced KAMD (Korea Air and Missile Defense) at the earliest possible moment.”


September 29, 2016

Democratic Party of Korea (DPK)


9 29 한국방송기자클럽(Korea Broadcasting Journalists Club) 초청추미애 더불어민주당 대표 토론회  반기문 유엔사무총장과 사드 배치에 관한 주요 발언


 대표는 반기문 유엔사무총장에 대해서는대한민국 국민에게 자랑스러운 사무총장으로퇴임 직후 정부직에 참여하는 것을 제한한 유엔 총회 결의에 따라 내년 대선 출마를 하지 않으실 것으로 생각한다고 말했다.

한국  사드 배치에 대해서는 북핵 문제 해결은 사드 배치보다 미국의 외교적 노력이 최우선되어야 한다는 견해를 표명했다정부는 사드에 대한 중국의 강한 반발을 과소평가해서는  된다는 우려와 함께 쿠바 미사일 위기  -소가 전면전의 위기에서 외교적으로 해결한 사례와 리비아우크라이나파키스탄의 해결사례를 들어 북핵 위기의 외교적 해결을 촉구했다.

반기문 관련 언급

1946 1 유엔 총회에서 채택된 결의안 '유엔 사무총장 지명에 관한 약정서)' 따르면사무총장은 여러 나라들의 비밀을 취득할  있는 직위이기 때문에 퇴임 직후에는 회원국의 어떤 정부 직위도 맡아서는  된다고  있다사무총장 자신도 그러한 직책을 수락하는 것을 삼가야 한다고 규정되어 있다.

 총장님은 대한민국 품격을 높여놓으셨는데어떤 정부자리도 퇴임 직후에 해선  된다 정권은 대선후보를 제안해서도반총장님은 제안 받으셔도  된다반총장께서 집권여당의 대선후보를 수락하는 것은 나라의 품격을 떨어뜨리는 일이고정치적 풍자거리가  것이다.

사드관련 언급

우리 정부는 사드에 대한 중국의 반발을 가볍게 봐서는  된다쿠바 미사일 위기 세계 1 군사강국 미국의  밑에 소련의 미사일이 배치됐을 미국은 전면전도 불사할 기세였다지금 중국의 옆구리에 사드 배치를 하겠다는 것은 중국을    있는 정찰능력을 대한민국에 배치한다는 것인데우리가 매우 위험해진다.

이러한 우려와 함께 사드만으로는 북핵을 막을  없다정부도 사드로 북핵을 막는다는 잘못된 믿음을 국민에게 줘서는  된다핵을 군사적으로  나라가 있는가공멸할 우려가 있어 군사적으로 풀지 못한다리비아와 우크라이나파키스탄도 외교적으로 해결했다.

이명박박근혜 정부의 강풍정책과 오바마의 전략적 인내-무시(strategic patience- strategic negligence), 외교적 무능이 북핵 위협을 키웠다사드 배치 보다 시급한 문제는 미국이 외교적 노력을 다하는 것이다군사적 대안으로는 KAMD(한국형 미사일 방어체계, Korea Air and Missile Defense) 조속히 강화 해서 실천배치 하는 것이다.

2016 9 29
