[Remarks] Korea Coast Guard Should Be Restored

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 96
  • 게시일 : 2016-10-14 10:42:18

Korea Coast Guard Should Be Restored


Last week’s incident, ramming of a Korea Coast Guard speed boat by a Chinese fishing vessel, has challenged our legitimate exercise of maritime sovereignty and assaulted our country’s dignity.


Chinese fishermen violating our territorial waters is not just a simple diplomatic matter or a maritime sovereignty issue - it is also about the “livelihood” of our people. China’s illegal overfishing has caused the exhaustion of fishery resources, and subsequently, it has threatened people’s living and plundered people’s property that make a living by fishing. As a result, there has been a rise in fishery prices, and this has led to the increase in living cost as well.


Park’s administration needs to come forward with strong and balanced strategies both in and outside the country. What Park’s administration should not do is try to cope and deal with this situation using extreme countermeasures that might cause unnecessary misunderstandings by China. Instead, Park’s administration should work to prepare fundamental countermeasures that can defend ourselves against China’s illegal fishing and prohibit any type of piracy by Chinese fishing boats which to include reinforcing the Korea Coast Guard and exercising the art of diplomacy.   


Experts have a unified voice in stating that the need for reinforcing the Korea Coast Guard is our top priority and fundamental for tightening maritime security, and, as a result, this will improve our maritime power and naval power, ultimately leading us to rule the waves, be a sea power country. We, Democratic Party of Korea, make a pledge to restore the Korea Coast Guard and strengthen its power. Separating the Korea Coast Guard from the Ministry of Public Safety and Security and run it as an independent administration will be one of our party’s major presidential election pledges for the next year.


Now that we’ve learned our lesson in that when the art of diplomacy doesn’t matter or not properly exercised, we, for sure, get caught by artfully laid Chinese fishing nets. Park’s Administration needs to wake up and take this lesson before it is too late, and make Chinese fishing boats’ maritime violence and piracy issues as a top priority on their “diplomacy-to-do list”.


We must put everything into increasing our national power. Without strong national power, laws cannot be observed in the international society.


Also, without these efforts, our maritime sovereignty will be mocked, our own territory will be invaded, and our people’s right to live will be threatened by China’s illegal fishing.


October 14, 2016

Democratic Party of Korea (DPK)


해양경찰청 복원해야 한다


지난주 중국 어선이 해경 고속정을 들이 받아 침몰 시킨 사고는 우리의 해양 주권에 대한 도전이고 우리 나라에 대한 모독이다.


중국의 어선들이 우리의 영해를 침범한 것은 단순한 외교나 해양 주권의 문제가 아니다 이것은 국민들의 생존에 관한 문제이다중국의 불법적인 남획은 우리의 어족자원 고갈을 불러 일으켰고이는 우리 어민의 생계를 위협하고어민들의 재산을 약탈해 가는 결과를 낳았다또한생선가격의 상승을 야기하고생계비도 올라가는 결과로 이어졌다.


박근혜 정부는 국내외적으로 적용할  있는 균형 잡히고 강력한 전략을 마련해야 한다정부는 중국의 오해를 불러일으킬  있는 극단적인 대응으로  상황을 대처해서는  된다대신중국의 어선의 해적 행위를 원천적으로 봉쇄할  있는 근본적인 대책을  놓아야 한다그것은 해경을 강화하는 것과 외교적 노력을 포함한다.


전문가들은 해양 경비에 있어 해경을 강화하는 것이 가장 중요하고 근본적인 것이라고  목소리로 말한다또한해경 강화는 결과적으로 우리의 해상력을 강화 시켜궁극적으로는 우리 나라를 해양강국으로 이끌게 된다우리 민주당은 해경을 복원 시키고 힘을 강화 시킬  또한 약속한다해경을 국민안전처에서 분리하고 하나의 독립된 청으로 만드는 것은 우리 더불어민주당의 내년 대선 주요 공약  하나가  것이다.


외교를 제대로 못했을 중국이  놓은 덫에 걸려들게 된다는 것을 이제 알게 되었다박근혜 정부는  늦기 전에 이를 되새기고중국 어선의 해상 폭력해적 행위를 외교적으로 해야   리스트에서 가장 우선시 해야  것이다.


우리는 국력을 키우는데 모든 노력을 기울여야  것이다국제 사회에서 강한 국력 없이는  또한 지켜낼  없다.


이러한 노력 없이는 우리의 해양 주권은 계속해서 비웃음을  것이고우리의 영토는 침입 받을 것이며우리 국민의 생존권은 계속해서 위협 받을 것이다.

2016 10 14
