[Major comments] From the opening statement of emergent committee of the national assembly

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 46
  • 게시일 : 2017-02-28 10:45:40

Major comments from the opening statement of emergent committee of the national assembly



■ Party Chairperson Choo Mi-ae
The acting president, Hwang Kyo-an has rejected the request to extend the investigation into scandal.  It is undeniably the worst decision made in the Constitutional history which blatantly disregards South Korean people’s desire to root out society’s long accumulated ills as well as hold those involved in meddling with the state affairs accountable.

The decision made today goes against our history in that it will deprive us the opportunity to address the task of our time: Rooting out South Korea's long accumulated social ills. It will go down in history as a decision to go against the rule of law; defending the wrongdoers and the perpetrators such as President Park and the chaebols. 

Who will benefit the most from this denied extension? Without a doubt, amongst the beneficiaries will be President Park and her confidante, Choi Soon-sil, as well as the chaebols like Samsung and former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs, Woo Byung-woo, who has been dodging detention by constantly abusing legal loopholes. The acting-president’s actions today have revealed us that he is the very social ill himself and should rightfully be ousted.  

It has been clearly warned that acting president Hwang's unilateral and political decision to reject the investigation extension will be regretted over time. 

Democratic Party will take all possible measures, like as introducing the new independent counsel bill. We will seek the best solution possible after hearing the respectable opinions of the party members today. 

- February 27, 2017. from the opening statement of emergent committee of the national assembly - 

Feb. 28th, 2017

International Affairs Bureau of Democratic Party

■ 추미애 대표

황교안 권한대행이 결국 특검연장을 거부했다. 국정농단 세력 처벌과 적폐 청산의 염원을 외면한 헌정사 최악의 결정이다. 

오늘의 이 결정은 시대적 과제인 적폐청산의 기회를 걷어차는 반역사적인 행위이다. 범법자이자 피의자인 박근혜 대통령과 재벌의 범죄를 옹호하는 반법치주의적 결정으로 기록될 것이다. 

특검연장 거부로 가장 좋아할 사람이 누구겠는가? 바로 박근혜 대통령과 최순실일 것이다. 또 삼성과 똑같은 일을 저지른 재벌들과 법꾸라지 우병우일 것이다. 황교안 권한대행은 그들과 같은 적폐이자 청산의 대상임을 자백한 것이다. 

분명히 경고했지만 황 대행이 특검 승인을 자의적이고 정치적으로 결정한 만큼 두고두고 후회할 일만 남을 것이다. 

우리당은 새로운 특검법 발의를 비롯해서 할 수 있는 모든 수단을 동원할 것이다. 오늘 의원님들의 고견을 듣고 최선의 방안을 모색하겠다.

-2017.02.27. 긴급 의원총회 모두발언-

2017년 2월 28일
더불어민주당 공보국