[94th Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 312
  • 게시일 : 2018-03-13 09:50:58

March 12, 2018. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

Party Chairperson Mi-Ae Choo





“Establishment of Special Committee for South-North Korea-U.S. summit,

going on with party diplomacy”


Yesterday, Head Chung Eui-yong, a special envoy to the U.S., returned home. They met Chairperson Kim Jung-un to elicit the inter-Korean summit in April and met President Trump to elicit North Korea-U.S. summit in May. The leading role of President Moon Jae-in, based on the 'Korean Peninsula driver theory', is now on full-scale track.


Following the two summit talks, the international community should build a framework such as the six-party talks involving China, Russia and Japan. Now, the driver of the Korean peninsula is on its way to entering the final destination, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of a peace regime. However, the two summits will not solve everything at once. The road to denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, which we intend to go on, will be far and rough.


As the ruling party, our party has decided to set up a special committee to fully support the South-North Korea-U.S. summit in order to support the historic inter-Korean summit and the successful hosting of North Korea-U.S. summit. We will have the experts on the Korean Peninsula and diplomatic experts in and out of the party and promote the masses of the people and carry out political activities on the political stage of the party.


Yesterday, the opposition party, which has been ridiculing and criticizing, commented on North Korea-U.S. dialogue that "the United States has presented new conditions and there is a big difference in perception between Korea and the United States," but the White House revealed that "it is not a new condition”; thus, perception such as the commentary of Liberty Korea Party has been misrepresented. Therefore, we should make it clear that such a cynical attitude inside does not help the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula at all, and calls for the voice of support where the ruling and the opposition parties unite on National Assembly level.




March 13th, 2018