[155th Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 109
  • 게시일 : 2019-01-31 14:46:02

 January 30, 2019. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

“Japan Must Offer a Sincere Apology to the Late Kim Bok-dong, a Witness to History”





□ Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK



Yesterday I offered my condolences at the funeral for the deceased Kim Bok-dong. The late Kim Bok-dong was a human rights activist who actively spoke out on the issue of Japan’s wartime sexual slavery, making it known to the world. Among the 238 former sex slaves officially registered with the South Korean government, only 23 of these women remain alive. It is our responsibility to make every effort to heal the wounds of the victims before it is too late. The government and our party decided to dissolve the Reconciliation and Healing Foundation, a Japanese-funded organization supporting the victims, which was hastily established under the former Park Geun-hye administration. We are striving to find ways to heal the victims’ wounds left by the bitter past and help recover their dignity, which included the establishing of a research institution dedicated to the issue of Japan’s wartime sex slavery. The Japanese government expressed its protest against Seoul’s decision to disband the foundation, arguing that the decades-old dispute over the issue was “irreversibly” resolved under its agreement with the former Park administration. Now I am urging the Japanese government to offer a sincere apology to the late Kim and make the utmost efforts to resolve this issue. 

"김복동 할머니, 역사의 증인진심 사과해야"



□ 이해찬 당대표


어제 김복동 할머니의 빈소를 문상했다 . 고인께서는 일본군의 성범죄를 전 세계에 알린 인권운동자이자 굴곡진 우리 역사의 증인이었다 . 이제 정부에 등록된 238 분 중에서 23 분만 남게 되었다 . 더 늦기 전에 이분들의 응어리를 풀어주는 것이 남아있는 우리들의 몫이다 . 문재인 정부와 우리 당은 박근혜 정부가 급조했던 화해 ? 치유재단을 해산하고 일본군 위안부 문제연구소 설립 등 과거사가 남긴 상처 치유를 위해 노력을 기울이고 있다 . 그러나 일본 정부는 박근혜 정부와의 합의로 위안부문제가 불가역적으로 해결됐다 고 주장하면서 문재인 정부의 화해 ?치유재단 허가에 대한 직권취소에 항의를 하고 있다 . 아무쪼록 일본 정부가 이제라도 고인이 되신 김복동 할머니에 대해 진심으로 사과하고 한일 문제를 풀어나가도록 촉구한다 .





더불어민주당 국제국