[159th Newsletter] Excerpt from the Opening Statement of the 71st Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 135
  • 게시일 : 2019-02-26 14:23:16

“Let’s reflect on the 100th anniversary of the March First Independence Movement and a new meaning of peace and prosperity”


□ Date: February 25, 2019 (Mon)

■ Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Just now, we recited the Declaration of Independence. This week will be a meaningful one as we look back into the past 100 years of history and embark on another 100 years of peace and prosperity. The March First Independence Movement in which 2.2 million Koreans, more than one-tenth of the total population on the Korean Peninsula at the time, took to the streets to inform the international community of the injustices of Japan’s colonial rule and Koreans’ desire to have an independent nation. The youthful spirit longing for freedom and democracy that underpinned the March First Movement was later passed down to the April 19 Revolution in 1960, the Bu-Ma Democratic Protests against the Yushin regime in 1979, the May 18 Democratization Movement in 1980, the June Democratic Uprising in 1987, and the Candlelight Revolution in 2016 and 2017.



                                                                  " 3.1운동 100주년을 돌아보며 평화와 번영의 새로운 의미를 되새기자" 


                이해찬 대표


조금전 우리가 독립선언서를 낭독했다. 이번 주는 지난 100년의 역사를 돌아보고 평화와 번영의 새로운 100년을 시작하는 의미를 되새기는 의미가 있는 주간이 될 것이다. 3.1혁명은 당시 한민족의 10분의 1이 넘는 220만 명이 참여해 일제 침탈의 부당성과 민족의 독립의지를 전 세계에 알렸다. 3.1운동을 이끈 자유와 민주주의를 향한 청년정신은 이후에 4.19혁명, 부마항쟁, 5.18민주화운동, 6월 항쟁과 촛불혁명으로 이어져왔다.






                                                                                              더불어민주당 공보국